Text: Sitaraah Joshi
2020 began with a shocking start for everyone as the infectious CoronaVirus swallowed China and the rest of the word. Originally stemming from animal markets in Wuhan (China), the virus is said to have mutated and was passed onto humans from the animals. The virus has crossed Chinese borders and is now spreading to several other regions. Global death tolls have reached 132, and the number of total confirmed infections has risen to 6,000.
Here is a list of all affected places and infected people at present:
- Singapore – 7
- Malaysia – 4
- Thailand – 14
- Vietnam – 2
- Cambodia – 1
- Macau – 7
- Hong Kong – 8
- Taiwan – 8
- South Korea – 4
- Japan – 7
- Nepal – 1
- Sri Lanka – 1
- Australia – 5
- Germany – 4
- France – 4
- Canada – 3
- United States – 5

The largest number of recorded deaths has been in the Hubei province. Chinese authorities have locked Wuhan down and limited public access to the area. Transportation to and from Wuhan has been shut down in the forms of bus, ferry, train, and airplanes. An additional twelve Chinese cities have also limited travel. The travel ban appeared right before China’s biggest holiday: Lunar New Year.
The United States is increasing the screening of incoming travelers from Wuhan from five airports to 20 airports and land crossings. Secretary of health and human services, Alex M. Azar, stated on Tuesday in a briefing that “this is a potentially very serious public health threat, but at this point, Americans should not worry for their own safety”. The U.S. state department also recommended that people avoid all non-essential travel to China.
Scientists in Australia and the U.S. are currently working on vaccine candidates to halt further spread of the virus. Different organizations and companies such as Moderna Therapeutics, Johnson & Johnson and Inovio Pharmasuticles are all working speedily to generate such a vaccine.