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Ongoing Magazine Deals to Look Out For!

Ongoing Magazine Deals to Look Out For!

At Asian Geographic, we always strive to make knowledge affordable and accessible for all! Asian Geographic endeavours to showcase the beauty of Asia, and we hope that these ongoing deals will encourage you to subscribe to our magazines so that these stories and facts of Asia can reach a broader audience!

Asian Geographic 

Get a FREE physical copy of Healing Asia (Asian Geographic No.152) simply by subscribing to Asian Geographic magazine, either for the 1-year subscription (6+1 issues) and the 2-year subscription (12+1 issues)! While stocks last!

  • More about Healing Asia (Asian Geographic No.152)

In this issue of Asian Geographic, we take a deep dive into the defining element of Asia – her herbs. This issue will cover the healing values of herbal plants and other species across the Asian continent, including the Middle East. Explore the culturally-unique ways that these herbs were utilised in indigenous communities in the early years of civilisation and how they have evolved and incorporated themselves into modern-day cuisines and healing blends. Lastly, the issue will also dig into the emerging world of medicinal marijuana that remains largely stigmatised in Asian culture.


You can also get a FREE digital copy of The Yin Yang of Weather (Asian Geographic No.151) when you take part in Asian Geographic’s Image of Asia Photo/Video Competition 2022 this year! All you need to do is submit a photo entry for this event and you will receive a digital copy of the magazine.

  • More about The Yin Yang of Weather (Asian Geographic No.151)

The Yin Yang of Weather tackles the ever-prevailing topic of climate change, which has plagued our world for seemingly endless amounts of time and has only gotten more pressing as the years wear on. Tracing back to its origins, we will explore the different ways in which the actions of humanity have resulted in the onset of climate change. Awareness of climate change is on the rise but every day, forests are still shrinking, wildlife is still dying off and pollutants of all sorts are still harming the environment. Taking a look at our past, present and future, the science, history and solutions to climate change will be explored. Along the way, we will also look at those that are doing their utmost to persevere our world and make it more sustainable.

Head over to shop.asiangeo.com/product/asian-geographic-passport/ now to start your subscriptions and you’ll receive the free copies of magazines in no time! We can’t wait to have you onboard with us on this journey to rediscover Asia!


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