Home AG XPLORER Singapore’s 10th Young Writers Festival Kicks Off This Weekend

Singapore’s 10th Young Writers Festival Kicks Off This Weekend

Singapore’s 10th Young Writers Festival Kicks Off This Weekend

This weekend, almost 700 aspiring young writers aged 13 to 25 years old will gather to hone their craft and get to know future career options for writers in the Singapore Book Council (SBC)’s annual Young Writers Festival.


As in previous years, 2018’s All In! Young Writers Festival will bring together a wide array of writing mentors and industry players in publishing, broadcasting, blogging, creative writing, screenwriting, journalism and advertising to meet, mingle and share their expertise and personal journeys with young writers in Singapore.


With the theme “Imagine Asia”, participants are gearing up for three days of creative writing and media-related workshops, panel discussions, and masterclasses by industry professionals – such as The Noose’s Chua En Lai, poet and literary critic Dr. Gwee Li Sui, authors Balli Kaur Jaswal, Josephine Chia and Gabby Tye and screenwriter Ng Swee San. To promote campus journalism, the festival will also be covered by student reporters from Republic Polytechnic, Innova Junior College, Victoria Junior College and River Valley High School.


Other participants include tertiary institutions like the National University of Singapore and LaSalle College of the Arts, and companies like the Singapore Repertory Theatre, Mediacorp and SGAG.


“Through this event, we hope to engage our youth and encourage them to improve their writing skills with the confidence that they could use it in future careers,“ said SBC executive director William Phuan. “We would also like to advocate for stories to be created and told across different platforms, so that they can reach and be enjoyed by various audiences.”


To this end, this year’s festival welcomes a slate of activities based on new platforms, including book review writing for Instagram, rap music writing, and eco-poetry writing and calligraphy. There will also be staples such as workshops on sports writing, advocacy writing for social causes, and a slew of Singapore-focused workshops on translation, the Singapore writing style, and local theatre and film writing.


ASIAN Geographic is supporting the All In! Young Writers Festival as an official media partner. We will partner with the SBC to run the ASIAN Geographic Hot Soup School Challenge 2019 at next year’s All In! Young Writers Festival. See you there!


Date: 16-18 March 2018

Location: SCAPE


FB: www.facebook.com/AllInYWF/



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