Flowing Through Our Hearts: The International Day of Action for Rivers

According to International Rivers, the International Day of Action for Rivers is a day dedicated to solidarity – when diverse communities around the world...

Our Planet, Our Life: Cleaning Up Versova Beach

Text: Shreya Acharya Instead of revelling in a much sought-after public holiday by having breakfast in bed or catching up on daytime TV, about 4800...

Extradition Bill Shelved in HK But Protests Still Expected on Sunday

In a press conference held at 3pm on June 15, 2019, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has announced that she has decided to...

South Korea to Host 2018 Winter Olympics for First Time

This year, South Korea will be hosting the Winter Olympics and has souped up its already formidable tech amenities to impress visiting nations.

Investigations Underway for Taiwan’s Worst Rail Accident in 27 Years

18 were killed and at least 187 were injured when all eight carriages of a Puyuma Express bound for Taitung derailed at 4.50pm Taiwan...

Can Singapore’s home cleaning scheme reduce maid abuse?

By Rachel Genevieve Chia Photos Zachary Tang Demand for part-time home cleaning is up amid Covid-triggered shortages of full-time household help. A newly-formalised scheme gives Singapore’s...


In many developing countries, children grow up in potentially life-threatening environmental conditions – in squalor, surrounded by rampant pollution such as trash, toxic water and polluted air. These pictures – from “Happyland” in Manila, where families salvage waste for a living – present a clear picture of the health hazards posed by these conditions.

A World Without ASEAN

They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. ASIAN Geographic asked five experts to imagine a future where the effects of the decades-old regional bloc simply vanished from history, to shed light on what losing it could mean for us