Decarbonization in the Shipping Industry: 2021 Outlook

In 2018, the UN International Maritime Organization set a goal to cut the maritime shipping industry’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least half by 2050. Through...

The Tree Man

Abul Bajandar made headlines last year with his tree-like warts covering his limbs. Now, this extremely rare illness has given him a life he never expected.

Climate Change: A Collaborative Reversal

One of the greatest and most devastating crises of this current generation - climate change, is happening much quicker than we feared. According to...

4 Asian Countries On the Road to Green Cars

Paving the way to fossil fuel-free roads in Asia
Ajinomoto, Monosodium Glutamate

Trial by Tongue

Is MSG really that bad for you? We unpack the controversial ingredient thought to produce "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome".

How Does Climate Change Affect the Ocean?

This year brought some bad news on the climate change front: researchers found that ice is melting faster worldwide, and there’s a greater sea-level rise anticipated....

Above the Water: Sea Science

Text by Benjamin P.Horton 340 MILLION people are at risk of flooding from sea-level rise by 2050. We know that rising sea levels affect every coastal...

The Future of Language

In our everchanging lexical world, where languages twist and turn, and sometimes bend over backwards or die out to suit trends, cultural changes and technology, the future of the spoken and written word is difficult to predict.