Indonesia: Raja Ampat

Take your pick from the hundreds of dive sites teeming with marine life in this fascinating region. By Rachel KwekWell-known for its pristine and...

10 Places to Visit on the Modern Silk Road

The Silk Road is one of the most famous trade routes across Asia. Used by Chinese and middle-eastern merchants to travel and trade for...

Water Adventures in Goa

The smallest state of India is an unexpected water sports lover's paradise

World’s Top Bridges Found in Asia

Bridges that are built with visions of grandeur are of Asian origin, but have become world recognised.Check out the rest of this article in...

A Unique Experience – Koyasan Calling

Text by S. Rani & Photos by John Thet Venture to Japan’s spiritual heartland of Wakayama for unique experiences to cleanse body and soul Wakayama, Japan’s epicentre of...

Philippines: Puerto Galera

A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve with over 40 dive sites, Puerto Galera offers incredibly diverse underwater experiences in the heart of the Coral Triangle. By...
Camel Sleep

The World’s Largest Camel Fair is Seeing its Last Days

For the Rabari people in Rajasthan, camel trading is a way of life. Attending the Pushkar Camel Fair – the largest of its kind in the world – offers a window into this unique desert culture.

Bhutan Spirit Sanctuary – An Oasis of Peace

Text and images by Subhasish Chakraborty When it comes to Wellness Tourism, there definitely is a new kid in town – Bhutan.  This tiny speck...