Photographer Spotlight: Abhishek Nandy


Black & White Category January 2020 Winner, titled “Caravan”, by Abhishek Nandy

As ASIAN Geographic’s annual Images of Asia (IOA) 2020 Photo/Videography Competition looms closer, submissions to our IOA Monthly competition – the precursor to our annual event – are pouring in. We have received stunning photos across the categories, and are now featuring our monthly winners in an exclusive interview!

Below is our interview with one of this month’s spotlight, Abhishek Nandy, the IOA Monthly January 2020 Winner in the Black & White category, selected from December 2019 entries.

AG: What is the story of your beginning and journey to creating great images?

AN: Photography is my window to the world, to see and express myself, and present my visual stories. I am Abhishek Nandy and I belong to the steel city, Jamshedpur in India. Winning a photography competition in the year 1993 gave me a spark to pursue photography seriously. Later on, I continued to be an avid salon exhibitor throughout many countries.

AG: How would you define your style and concepts you enjoy exploring?

AN: I believe in making images that inspire people to travel; storytelling images with a blend of art.

AG: What is great photography to you, and is there any photographers you would like to work with? 

AN: “Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field” (Peter Adams).

I believe that one thing which makes a great photo is its ability to convey emotion. Emotion in a photograph, or any work of art, is what helps a viewer to connect with and pulls the viewer into the scene.

I am an admirer and influenced by the works of the legends Sebastiao Salgado, Steve McCurry; I feel their images are larger than life, and certainly Pedro Luis Raota, who is always an inspiration.


AG: What is your preferred imaging gear to work with and why?

AN: I use Canon a variety of lenses for travel and locations, and other times its the Sony mirrorless for its convenience.


AG: What is your next Asia destination to explore and why?

AN: I wish to discover the overwhelming possibilities in Vietnam, Burma, and Cambodia and frame the diverse cultures, people and the different forms of living.


AG: Can you share more about your current and upcoming projects?

AN: I wish to publish a book on visual storytelling on different concepts and at present I am compiling my images for the same.


Congratulations once again to Abhishek Nandy for being the Images of Asia (IOA) Monthly January Winner in the Black & White Category! You can check out Abhishek’s Instagram page here.


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