6 Ways Event Planning Can Be Made More Sustainable


Text by Paperless Post

As wonderful as events are, the energy, food, water, and paper used to produce them amounts to a huge amount of waste and environmental damage that is avoidable.

Here are some shocking facts:

– Over 40% of all waste from large-scale events ends ends up in landfills

– Up to 70% of the carbon emissions caused by a large events are related to air travel

But… Events can be planned with sustainable practices in mind…

How to make your events more sustainable:

1. Use sustainable supplies:
Opt for reusable supplies. Aside from helping to eliminate waste, these items can be an excellent way to invest in pieces you love and continue enjoying them at your next event. You can also opt to rent all of your supplies.

2. Make a plan to manage waste:
Before the event happens, decide how you’ll manage any waste and trash your event does produce. This may include providing recycling and composting bins for event staff and guests to use, or finding a way to donate any disposable or single-use supplies.

3. Choose sustainable vendors:
Being mindful of sustainability when choosing caterers and food sources can also have a huge impact on your carbon footprint. Choose local food options when possible. Keep a close eye on your RSVPs and only buy what you’ll need.

4. Host your events at ‘green’ venues:
Look for venues that are transparent about how they’re minimising their impact. Find venues which follow criteria to reduce their energy usage, lower their carbon footprint, minimise waste, and use sustainable materials.

5. Encourage guests to use sustainable transportation:
To help minimise your event’s impact, choose a location closest to the majority of your guests. Encourage options like walking, biking, carpooling, and public transportation, and provide info on how to travel to your event using these options. For guests who would need to travel long distances or by air, consider offering a virtual option.

6. Offset your carbon impact:
Even if not every aspect of your event is sustainable, there are still ways to help reduce your carbon footprint. One excellent option is to contribute to a carbon offset project. These organisations use donations to fund tree planting, renewable energy, and efforts to reduce emissions elsewhere.

See the article in full here!

You can also save the trees by not using paper and by going digital instead for invitations…Browse Paperless Post’s online invitations here!

Images from Shutterstock



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