
Why so Green?

From the Green Dome of the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina to the fluorescent greens of flags and political campaigns, Islam has established itself as...

Travel and Adventure


China: Leader Of The World’s Newest Tech Wave

The rest of China is starting to catch up with its major cities in term of technological standing

Science Pioneers


An Epic Creation

Text by Shreya Acharya The birth of writing from ancient Sumer has led to prominent and influential literary works, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh,...

Life’s Duality: Simplicity in a complex world

Text & photos by Manuel Librodo Photography has been defined by some as painting with light. I would define it as painting with life. When I started to take on photography as a hobby, little did I suspect that it was more than just shooting faces and capturing sceneries. The...

China’s Fight with America to Build the World’s Fastest Train

China’s engineering progress has been nothing short of astonishing. After creating a high-speed railway in record time, it is now racing America to make the world’s next fastest train

Photographer Spotlight: Ann Chanporn

Photojournalism Category January 2020 Winner, titled “Worship of Eid celebration at Taj Mahal on 12th August”, by Ann Chanporn in India As ASIAN Geographic’s annual Images of Asia (IOA) 2020 Photo/Videography Competition looms closer, submissions to our IOA Monthly competition – the precursor to our annual event – are pouring...

The Art of Making Cigars: A Smokin’ Hot Skill

CENTURIES after Columbus’ crews brought it out of the Caribbean to Europe, the habit of smoking cigars has evolved into a global culture. Colonialism took it along to regions afar. In Indonesia, for instance, it was the Dutch who brought it in, and since then, a number of cigar factories have been established since the early 20th century.

Current Affairs

Observing The New Uzbekistan

Central Asia's most populous nation Uzbekistan was voted for their leader. Around 20 million Uzbeks are eligible for an election on 9 July at...

Palm Progress

Can palm oil plantations and endangered rainforests really coexist? One conservationist says yes. Text and images credit: Nathan Sen The island of Borneo, divided among Malaysia,...

Above the Water: Sea Science

Text by Benjamin P.Horton 340 MILLION people are at risk of flooding from sea-level rise by 2050. We know that rising sea levels affect every coastal...

The Gold Trap: How COVID-19 is pushing Filipino children into hazardous work

By Marielle Lucenio The Philippines had been making slow progress in its long fight against child labour, but the pandemic reversed the gains that had...

A culture of silence blunts the impact of a new Vietnamese law against sexual...

By Trang Vu Vietnam’s new labor law requires employers to put in place mechanisms to prevent and penalize sexual harassment in the workplace. But Vietnamese...

Most Read

The Road to Independence: Burma (1945 – 1962)

From the 1962 Democracy Protests, through the 1974 U Thant Crisis, the 1988 Uprising, and the 2007 Saffron Revolution, to the 2021 Spring Revolution, Myanmar has fought against the whims of its military leaders and suffered at the hands of the army. To make sense of the tumultuous events of the past six decades, we must understand the complex politics and power struggles that have dominated this country once known as Burma.

Asian Geographic TV