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The Allure of Paint

When the boundaries between art and photography are blurred and reality and imagination mixed, the results are seen in the paintings of Adrian Ho, a Malaysian artist who rose to fame at the Singapore Biennale 2013 with his two paintings Fruits of Life and Full Production.

The Wallace Line: Where Kangaroo Meets Monkey

The region of islands, Wallacea is named after the pioneering ecologist and geographer Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913), one of the titans of 19th-century British science. His observations of zoological differences to the northwest and southeast of an imaginary line through the Indonesian island of Sulawesi were part of a body of work that, alongside Charles Darwin, reinvented biology through the lens of evolution.

Saving Gili’s Horses

The cidomo horses are the pride and joy of the Gili islands in Indonesia, but increasing tourism to the area taxes the horses more than ever. Already, efforts are underway with the help of donors and volunteers, but what more can be done to retrieve these animals from the brink of abuse?

The Big Durian

Every relationship with Jakarta is a love-hate one. Well, it is not called the “Big Durian” for nothing


“Huế Tinh Yeu Cua Toi” (“Huế My Love”) is one of the many songs written about the beautiful city of Huế. Visiting the city, you’re almost certain to hear one of the many Huế songs playing in coffee shops.

Lest We Forget

Ruins are, beyond tourist magnets, repositories of knowledge on the history of human civilisation. Reach back in time with these seven locations, each testaments to the ingenuity of mankind and to the rich cultural foundations on which modern Asia stands.

Consummate Coolness

The will to survive has never been more apparent than among the indigenous peoples of the Arctic: those who have conquered the devastating beauty of this intense landscape for thousands of years.

India Wants Toilets for All

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is resolved to end the open defecation 590 million Indians still practise. We visit a village where soon every family will have a latrine thanks to his “Clean India” project.