Reflections: The Most Spoken Languages* in the World

Of the 7,000-plus living languages today,  Chinese tops the list with over one billion speakers, while English comes in second, with 942 million speakers....

Holy Hermit Healers

Ruesi have wandered the Thai wilderness for hundreds of years. All but forgotten, these “wizards of the forest” are today seeing a gradual comeback, as they work their magic for the devotee in need

First People of the Arctic

Thousands of years have shaped the lives of the original peoples of the Arctic, true explorers and survivors of one of the world’s most...

The Road to Independence: Malaya’s Battle Against Communism [1948-1960]

by Asian Geographic Editorial Team The Malayan Emergency Following the establishment of the Federation of Malaya, looming uncertainty befell the Chinese majority, who felt excluded from...

Rasputin: Russia’s Mad Monk

Text by Max Lovell-Hoare (Illustration by Justin Ong)The animated fairy tale Anastasia is an imaginary story inspired by the possible survival of Grand Duchess...

The S.E.A. Write Award Ceremony

A Prestigious ASEAN Award Presented to the 2016-18 Winners Since 1979, the S.E.A. Write Award, or the Southeast Asian Writers Award, has been presented annually...
Akha, Traditional Costume, Hill Tribes, Thailand

Thailand’s Hill Tribes See Their Last Days

As elders pass on and youth surrender to the tide of modernisation, the once-proud villages who lived off the land are surrendering their diligently preserved traditions for basic food and healthcare
Hibaku Tree of Hiroshima

Hibaku: The Witness Trees of Hiroshima

Almost 200 trees survived the direct effects of the Hiroshima atomic blast on August 6, 1945, and are now called hibaku jumoku – the survivor trees.