Harana , Traditions of Philippines , Serenade

The serenading suitors of the Philippines

Under a courtship ritual called harana, it was compulsory for Filipino men to sing to their sweethearts
Taiwan, Amis, Austronesian

How Formosa Birthed The Southeast Asian Languages

The aboriginal dialect of the tiny island of Taiwan is the ancestor of one-fifth of the world’s languages, researchers say   Few will associate primarily Mandarin-speaking,...
Tun Mustapha , Borneo, Turtles

Malaysia’s unconventional marine conservation model

To stop the destruction of sea life, the people from Malaysia’s marine park Tun Mustapha decided to work with poachers instead of against them
Chiang Mai, Umbrellas , Crafts

Chiang Mai’s Three Traditional Handicrafts

Thailand's northern city of Thailand was once the center of knowledge, architecture and commerce. Traders and travellers alike brought with them handicrafts like silverware, parasols and woodcarvings, all of which are still made today.

The Mothers of Invention: Explore the History of Asian Innovation

From pottery, farming to weaving and writing, some of the most fundamental innovations of civilisation were created by Asians. Asian Geographic uncovers some of...

Reflections: Synchronous Sliding

ASIA The Indian classical musical tradition has its roots in the Vedas, scriptures of the Hindu tradition thousands of years old that can be classified...

A cut above the rest : Vietnam’s outdoor barbers snip locks while dodging the...

With increasing state efforts to remove peddlers from the streets, the traditional roadside barbers of Hanoi find ways to keep their trade alive

Mesopotamia: the Birthplace of Justice

The world’s first written laws came from its first civilisation, Mesopotamia, and along with it the earliest judicial proceedings in the presence of a king