Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Competition December 2020 Winners and Finalists


The ASIAN Geographic’s Images of Asia (IOA) 2020 photography competition, exhibits the work of photographers from all across Asia. We have received stunning photos across the various categories, and here are the winners and finalists for December 2020!

Black and White Category

Black and White Category December 2020 Winner, taken in Pahang, Malaysia, by Mohamad Hud Zaqwan, captioned, “Yak on the Hills”


Black and White Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Shilong, Meghalaya, by Sirsendu Gayen, captioned, “Rain Shield”


Landscape Category

Landscape Category December 2020 Winner, taken in Terengganu, Malaysia, by Yusuf Bin Madi, captioned, “Breaking Dawn on Waves”


Landscape Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Pahang, Malaysia, by Mohamad Hud Zaqwan, captioned, “The Explorer”


Landscape Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Tapovan, Uttarakhand, by Sirsendu Gayen, captioned, “Tapovan”


Wildlife Category

Wildlife Category December 2020 Winner, taken in Bandar Botanic, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia, by Lee Shing Yaw, captioned, “Water Skiing” 


Wildlife Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Pahang, Malaysia, by Mohamad Hud Zaqwan, captioned, “Curious One” 


Street/People Category

Street/People Category December 2020 Winner, taken in Chau Doc, An Giang Province, Vietnam, by Satyaki Chakraborti


Street/People Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Sultanjang, Bihar, by Sirsendu Gayen, captioned, “The Boy with his Buffalo”


Food Category

Food Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Varanasi, Uttarpradesh, by Sirsendu Gayen, captioned “Banarasi Paan”


Food Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Kolkata Maidan, West Bengal, by Sirsendu Gayen, captioned “Dosa Seller”


Food Category December 2020 Finalist, taken in Putrajaya, Malaysia, by Mohd Samsi Sumairi, titled Huge Salted Fishes.

As told by Samsi – “Old man sea gypsies drying salted fish at Maiga Island, Semporna, Sabah. Sea Gypsy sell their surplus catch as dried and salted fish through nearest town in Semporna, Sabah”


Congratulations once again to Mohamad Hud Zaqwan, Yusuf Bin Madi, Lee Shing Yaw and Satyaki Chakraborti for being the Images of Asia (IOA) Monthly Winners for December 2020! You can check out Mohamad Hud’s Instagram here, Yusuf’s Instagram here, Shing Yaw’s Instagram here and Satyaki’s Instagram here!

And congratulations to the Images of Asia (IOA) Monthly Finalists for December 2020! You can check out Sirsendu’s Instagram here and Samsi’s Instagram here!

Follow Asian Geographic Instagram for the latest updates.

Love shooting photos of the vast and beautiful Asia? Submit your entries today! More details of Images of Asia Monthly here.



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