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Antics in the Wild

baby monkey
This series of photos capture the simian race at their most human and picturesque, from travelling to sleeping to swimming and even "group hugging".

Along the Karakoram Highway

Karakoram Highway
The Karakoram Highway stretches over 1,300km at an elevation of 4,693 metres high, crossing scenic spots like the Khunjerab Pass, Kunlun Mountain Range, Karakul Lake and semi-nomadic settlements of the Kyrgyz people.

King and Queen of Kalimantan’s Jungle

Orangutans arriving at Camp Leakey are usually orphaned, injured or formerly held in captivity. The goal of the camp is to prepare the animals to live in their natural habitat again through a process of gradual exposure.

Before They are Silenced Forever

In Southeast Asia, songbirds are caught, caged and illegally traded. In true colonial fashion, humankind yearns to acquire that which he finds beautiful, but this tendency could silence nature's virtuousos forever.

All for a Good Cause

It’s International Women’s Day on 8 March and Ace Adventure Expeditions will be sending two all-women’s team from Singapore to scale two of the world’s highest mountains, in an effort to help teenage girls in Singapore under the Project Pari.

Protecting the Proboscis

The proboscis monkey has received increasing attention in recent years, but its habitat decreases with the Bornean forest that dwindles with human development. The survival of this charming species depends on decreased human intrusion into its turf.

And Thereby Hangs a Tale

Irrepressible, mischievous, resourceful yet eternally effervescent, the tale of the monkey is one that transcends continents, creeds, customs and centuries. In Asia, the monkey in his various guises has been venerated and deified perhaps even before 500 BC.

Bright Sparks in Brisbane

From 9 to 13 March 2016, the Queensland capital will be illuminated with the brightest of scientific minds, bringing renowned physicists, scientists and Pulitzer-prize winners to a festival in celebration and exploration of science.