The Soul of a Sailor

Atoll, which comes from the Maldivian word atolu, means a ring-shaped reef, island or chain of islands that are formed of coral. Indeed, the name is apt as the island-nation of Maldives, made up of 26 atolls, is now sending its first Atoll Sailor around the country.

Bye-Bye Boat: Rituals on Savu

Text by Khong Swee Lin. Photos by Carl-Bernd Kaehlig A riot of mystical symbols and shapes dances across the weavings. Undulating lines, geometric motifs, animals,...

Are You a Wood Baby? – The Making of the Wood Person

Article extracted from Asian Geographic Issue 02/2020 (141) Text: Shreya Acharya When it comes to personality types, the archetypal wood baby is “the pioneer” –...
Diabetes in Asia

The Silent Epidemic

Sixty percent of the world’s diabetic population is Asian. And yet, many people don’t understand the dangers of this disease – and how to prevent it.

Drawing en Plein Air

Whether on paper or tablets, a growing community of artists are taking the process of drawing outdoors.

A culture of silence blunts the impact of a new Vietnamese law against sexual...

By Trang Vu Vietnam’s new labor law requires employers to put in place mechanisms to prevent and penalize sexual harassment in the workplace. But Vietnamese...

The 4 Main Apps in China’s Parallel Cyberspace

Most foreign apps are alien to Chinese residents in China. But they don't need them because local companies have developed copycats that often surpass...

India’s Pink War

They wear pink saris, wield sticks and don’t hesitate to use violence in their fight for women’s rights. These are the ladies of the Gulabi Gang, an association created by Sampat Pal Devi to eradicate gender violence in India