Can Singapore’s home cleaning scheme reduce maid abuse?

By Rachel Genevieve Chia Photos Zachary Tang Demand for part-time home cleaning is up amid Covid-triggered shortages of full-time household help. A newly-formalised scheme gives Singapore’s...

Everyone’s a Palaeontologist at DinoQuest

With the advent of augmented reality, interactive game design and advanced animatronics, exhibitions are no longer passive affairs limited to only reading and watching....
Indonesia , Races, Makepung

Indonesia’s Harvest Races

While top athletes duke it out in stadiums at this year's Asian Games, Indonesia’s agrarian backwaters have their own versions of sporting entertainment, starring the very bovines that plough the fields
China politics

The Hammer, Sickle and a Love for Money

An apparent contradiction, Chinese communism has thrived as a market economy and situated the most populous country in the world as a rising superpower. But can it last?

Two Thai Elephants Rescued and Walked to Samui Elephant Haven

May 23, 2019– Relief and joy were palpable as two rescued Asian elephants—one unwell and one due to give birth within four months –...

Yangtze’s Chinese Paddlefish: Declared Extinct

China’s Yangtze River was once teeming with Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius). The largest specimen recorded was seven metres long and weighed 450KG, making it...
Rodrigo Duterte, ASEAN, Laos

The Casual Beginnings of ASEAN

Regional alliances are often brought about by the need to address strife. While ASEAN is no different, the evolution of the organization couldn't be further from tense boardrooms and dry meeting halls
Zunar cartoon

Pens Under Pressure

In an era of fake news, vilification of the press and the polarisation of intellectual debate, satirical art has become an important tool to question politics. Despite crackdowns, some artists will not be silenced.