Finding Harmony Between Humans and Elephants

….How one non-profit organisation is encouraging alternative crops to reduce human–elephant conflict in Thailand. Text Sarah Eichstadt When elephants enter her farm, Roengrom “Rom” Amsamarng runs...

Will Paris Change the Climate?

On 12 December 2015, the much-anticipated United Nations’ Paris Agreement for Climate Change was signed. The big question; is it too little too late for a warming planet?

A Drop in the Ocean

With the establishment of locally managed marine areas around just three of the Mergui Archipelago’s 800 islands, the race to safeguard this jewel of...

Green Dreams

With its tea plantations and rice paddies, dense jungles and expansive forests, the region is well known as a green paradise. But many of...

Top 10 Highest Peaks in the Karakoram Range

Where Is the Karakoram? The Karakoram is a mountain range in the Kashmir region spanning the borders of Pakistan, China and India, with the northwestern...