5 Forms of Rice and their Applications

Rice is a staple food consumed by half the planet, with Asia being responsible for over 90 percent of rice consumption. But did you...
asia superfood

Asia’s Superfoods: Infographic

Some of Asia’s traditional dishes and ingredients have become revered as “superfoods” with their amazing health benefits.
Chinese beauty, Historical cosmetics

Asia’s Age-Old Beauty Trends

Across Asia, women throughout the ages have decorated their faces in pursuit of specific beauty ideals

Next on the Menu

Grubs and other insects could offer a healthier and more sustainable food choice in the future.

How Minimalism Can Help You Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

By Katreena Sarmiento Nowadays, people are increasingly adopting a minimalist style to get their lives in order. There's a wide variety of content being published...

Science Pioneers

They who broke new ground and bettered the lives of many
Cambodia, Performance, Arts, Disabilities

Epic Encounters : Trailblazing Cambodian Theatre  

Internationally-touring theatre company Epic Encounters showcases the many talents of performers with disabilities   Text Jennie Pearson  Photos Charlotte Hodges/Photographers Without Borders   To get a drink the way...

The Healing Power of Bathing

There’s a story in the Nihon-shoki, the 1,300-year-old annal of Japanese history and legend, that at DÕgo, in what is now the city of...