Reflections: Voyages of Discovery

From Marco Polo, Vasco Da Gama to Zheng He, explorers have traversed the globe in search of discovery and adventure. Asian Geographic traces their journeys...

Reflections: The Most Spoken Languages* in the World

Of the 7,000-plus living languages today,  Chinese tops the list with over one billion speakers, while English comes in second, with 942 million speakers....

Holy Hermit Healers

Ruesi have wandered the Thai wilderness for hundreds of years. All but forgotten, these “wizards of the forest” are today seeing a gradual comeback, as they work their magic for the devotee in need

Abode of Peace in the Lion City

"Abode of Peace in the Lion City" curates stamps, artefacts, 360° virtual reality displays and interactive stations to connect Singapore and Brunei's rich cultural traditions

Rasputin: Russia’s Mad Monk

Text by Max Lovell-Hoare (Illustration by Justin Ong)The animated fairy tale Anastasia is an imaginary story inspired by the possible survival of Grand Duchess...
Photo © Wikicommons

What We Know About the Mysterious Underwater Bridge Between Sri Lanka and India

Who made it? A great debate circles around the Rama Setu, or Adam’s Bridge, between politicians, geologists and Hindu devotees.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

(Photo: Graphicaartis/Corbis) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon has captured the imagination of historians worldwide for centuries. Yet, its existence remains a debate as years of...

Escape to Lombok

The Lombok way of life draws you deeper and deeper into nature with alluring landscapes, particularly featuring the island's gorgeous coastlines, rivers, lakes and cascades. The locals are warm, the weather agreeable and the snorkelling good. Welcome to your next summer getaway.