Everyone’s a Palaeontologist at DinoQuest

With the advent of augmented reality, interactive game design and advanced animatronics, exhibitions are no longer passive affairs limited to only reading and watching....

5000 Years of Pepper

Text & Photos by Rachel Einav  The pepper belongs to the Solanaceae family, from which we have also acquired the tomato, the potato and the...
Earth, Space Exploration, Astronauts, Satellite, Space Station

3 of Asia’s Latest Forays into Space

Asia is conquering the final frontier, one launch at a time. Here are some of its most recent achievements in space

The 4 Main Apps in China’s Parallel Cyberspace

Most foreign apps are alien to Chinese residents in China. But they don't need them because local companies have developed copycats that often surpass...

Synthetic Meat May Hit Supermarkets Soon

Guilt-free, lab-grown meat has always been in sight, but just out of reach. Japanese scientists think they may have found the answer to producing it commercially.

An Invisible Disease

Malaria is pervasive in Asia-Pacific, yet its invisibility means that people are not aware of the scale of the problem.

The Future of Language

In our everchanging lexical world, where languages twist and turn, and sometimes bend over backwards or die out to suit trends, cultural changes and technology, the future of the spoken and written word is difficult to predict.
Cow Farming, Cattle Farming, Hefer Farming, Pasture

Drones Take Off In Asia

Drones could well change Asian agriculture. These aerial vehicles can be controlled from the ground, and have received a great deal of attention for their ability to do work that is dangerous or tedious for farmers