Photographer Spotlight: Md Rafayat Haque Khan


Photojournalism Category February 2020 Winner, captioned “Muslim travel on overcrowded trains after attending the final prayer of Biswa Ijtema at Tongi near Dhaka, considered the world’s second largest Muslims congregation after the Hajj of Holy Mecca”, by Md Rafayat Haque Khan, in Tongi, Bangladesh

As ASIAN Geographic’s annual Images of Asia (IOA) 2020 Photo/Videography Competition looms closer, submissions to our IOA Monthly competition – the precursor to our annual event – are pouring in. We have received stunning photos across the categories, and are now featuring our monthly winners in an exclusive interview!

Below is our interview with one of this month’s spotlight, Md Rafayat Haque Khan, the IOA Monthly February 2020 Winner in the Photojournalism category, selected from the January 2020 entries.

AG: What is the story of your beginning and journey to creating great images?

Rafayat: Photography is my instinct, desire, when and how it came I really don’t know. My journey started with a basic course in photography in 2010.

AG: How would you define your style and concepts you enjoy exploring?

Rafayat: I usually do all kinds of photography. It depends on the time, proper light and the subject I am going to shoot. Generally, I do think about light, elements and of that special moment.

AG: What is great photography to you, and are there any photographers you would like to work with?

Rafayat: It’s “the picture!” which captures the decisive moment when the inner soul comes out, to cry, to celebrate or simply with a heartfelt smile of gratitude.

Art & Documentary photography is my most favorite field of work. To enrich the experience, I would like to have a chance to work master photographers Steve Mccurry & Sebastiao Salgado.


AG: What is your preferred imaging gear to work with and why?

Rafayat: I belive photography does not depend only on equipment but of course the equipment helps to develop the proper exposure. We appreciate the updated technical support of the camera and equipment. Although good photography comes from the maturity and experience of a photographer, we cannot deny the advantages of updated equipment. So, I dream of using the NIKON D6, an extraordinary professional camera that is faster and sharper than its predecessors.


AG: What is the next Asian destination you’d like to explore and why?

Rafayat:  I wish to visit India for photography as India is the place where we can explore a variety of cultural experiences, all kinds of communities and environmental elements. 


AG: Can you share more about your current and upcoming projects?

Rafayat: Recently I have worked with JAMDANI sharee, a fine muslin textile of Bangladeshi heritage. Next, I would like to work with the people who are now surviving acid victims.

Congratulations once again to Md Rafayat Haque Khan for being the Images of Asia (IOA) Monthly January Winner in the Photojournalism Category! You can check out Rafyat’s Instagram page here.

Read about the other February Photographer Features of Images of Asia Monthly Winners:

1. Black & White Category Winner, by Ho Yin Chan, Scofield at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
2. Street/People Category Winner, titled “Sadhubaba, a holy person of Varanasi who has renounced his worldly life ”, by Chong Keng Loy, in Varanasi, India
3. Photojournalism Category Winner, captioned “Muslim travel on overcrowded trains after attending the final prayer of Biswa Ijtema at Tongi near Dhaka, considered the world’s second-largest Muslims congregation after the Hajj of Holy Mecca”, by Md Rafayat Haque Khan, in Tongi, Bangladesh

Follow Asian Geographic Instagram for the latest updates.

Love shooting photos of the vast and beautiful Asia? Submit your entries today! More details of Images of Asia Monthly here.


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