Memories: 4 Old School Communications Must-Haves of Yesteryear

By Rachel Kwek. Take a trip down memory lane as we recall these communication must-haves of yesteryear The Pager: These personal radio devices allow users to receive...

From Spirits to Superfans

If nothing else, 2016 has demonstrated the unexpected power of a popular mythology to capture people’s hearts, minds, and wallets. Among the more demonstrations of this fanaticism is Pokémon Go, a GPS-based, augmented reality smartphone game that rebooted the global pop culture phenomenon of Pokémon.

Women of Gaza

As with all Palestinians in what is often described as the world’s largest open-air prison, life for the women of the Gaza Strip is choked with adversity.

Cultural Change-makers

10 cultural figures in AG's astonishing Asians list

Wok of Fame

When the government created the city-state’s first hawker centre in 1971, resettling disparate food vendors into a single, well-managed facility, no one could have predicted the peculiarly Singaporean obsession that would ensue.
Empu forging the keris dagger

Daggers Forged in Fire

Text and images by Diego A. Garcia Of the countless weapons bought and sold every day around the world, relatively few can be considered a...

A Day Dedicated to Migrants

While migration is on the rise in a globalising world, it is not always a seamless process. Displacement, moving to establish a better life,...

Tribal Wedding Customs Across Asia

Text by Simon Koh, Joan Koh, Selina Tan    Illustration by Richard Cagomoc Mention weddings and what comes to mind is the father of the...