How Minimalism Can Help You Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

By Katreena Sarmiento Nowadays, people are increasingly adopting a minimalist style to get their lives in order. There's a wide variety of content being published...

A culture of silence blunts the impact of a new Vietnamese law against sexual...

By Trang Vu Vietnam’s new labor law requires employers to put in place mechanisms to prevent and penalize sexual harassment in the workplace. But Vietnamese...

Who Peels Your Garlic: Inside Manila’s Informal Economy

By Geela Garcia The garlic peeling industry in Baseco, Manila renders Filipino women among the least visible, worst paid, and most dispensable part of...

Can Singapore’s home cleaning scheme reduce maid abuse?

By Rachel Genevieve Chia Photos Zachary Tang Demand for part-time home cleaning is up amid Covid-triggered shortages of full-time household help. A newly-formalised scheme gives Singapore’s...

Rise of an Authoritarian Leader: Ferdinand Marcos

By Elyssa Yong By far one of the most notorious families in the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda Marcos, made their mark on...

The Road to Independence: Malaya’s Battle Against Communism [1948-1960]

by Asian Geographic Editorial Team The Malayan Emergency Following the establishment of the Federation of Malaya, looming uncertainty befell the Chinese majority, who felt excluded from...

The Road to Independence: Burma (1945 – 1962)

From the 1962 Democracy Protests, through the 1974 U Thant Crisis, the 1988 Uprising, and the 2007 Saffron Revolution, to the 2021 Spring Revolution, Myanmar has fought against the whims of its military leaders and suffered at the hands of the army. To make sense of the tumultuous events of the past six decades, we must understand the complex politics and power struggles that have dominated this country once known as Burma.

Sea Change in the Strait

By Sarah Chew It is August 1965. Less than two years after a merger, Singapore’s reluctant departure from the Federation of Malaysia throws her into...