Coronavirus Continues Killing Innocents

2020 began with a shocking start for everyone as the infectious CoronaVirus swallowed China and the rest of the word. Originally stemming from animal markets in Wuhan (China), the virus is said to have mutated and was passed onto humans from the animals. The virus has crossed Chinese borders and is now spreading to several other regions. Global death tolls have reached 132, and the number of total confirmed infections has risen to 6,000. 

Dear World, Let Us All Fist Bump and Peace Out!

September 21 is the day where the world observes and celebrate a day to promote global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. by...

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Grubs and other insects could offer a healthier and more sustainable food choice in the future.

6 Fascinating Facts about Herbs in Asia

Text by various authors Images from Shutterstock and GASP Herbs have been used for a variety of reasons across eras and cultures in human history. While herbs are...

5 Forms of Rice and their Applications

Rice is a staple food consumed by half the planet, with Asia being responsible for over 90 percent of rice consumption. But did you...
HIV in Nepal

The Last Frontier

Nepalese migrant workers are most at risk of contracting HIV. Without proper screening and information, this poses a worrying threat for the rest of the population.

Myths and Realities: Herbs in the Pandemic

Text by Sienna Lakin Images from Shutterstock In the ongoing battle against COVID-19, Asia has sought help from traditional herbal medicines. But are these medicines made from...

6 Herbs to Look out for in a Herbal Tea Blend

Rose tea, a beverage known for its soothing properties Teas in numerous flavours are available all over the world, each possessing their own advantageous health...