Water from Heaven

Text: Prakhar Tripathi and Rachel Kwek. Photos: Prakhar Tripathi Considered holy by believers of different faiths, the mysterious Gurudongmar Lake is known to provide water...

In the Footsteps of the Buddha

Text & Photos by Sophie Ibbotson & Max Lovell-Hoare The Buddha must have done an awful lot of walking: his footsteps trail from Afghanistan to...

The Voyages of Sinbad

Few literary works have gained the worldwide popularity achieved by the Thousand and One Nights. Many of the narratives this anthology contains gained their...

A Higher Summit: Scaling Gamlang Razi in Myanmar

(Text by Andy Tyson. Photos by Mark Fisher) Follow a team of seven on a quest to find the highest mountain peak of Southeast Asia...

Top 5 Places to Visit in Shan State

One of the most exciting train rides in Asia begins from Mandalay to Lashio via the Gokteik Viaduct. The 15-hour train journey crosses from...

The Mesir Festival: A Paste of History

Text & photos Emre Kuheylan The Mesir Festival is one of the oldest festivals in Turkey. In March 2011, the festival will see its 471st...

International Polar Bear Day: Meet the Snow Giants

Today, on International Polar Bear Day, we celebrate the majestic snow giant and its charming characteristics. 

Papua New Guinea: A Perpetual Wonder

Text: EMMANUEL NAROKOBI AND ANDREW MOUTU Image: Marc Dozier/Corbis  The great Melanesian leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou once stated, “The return to tradition is a myth… No...