Asian Geographic Images of Asia Monthly Competition August 2020 Winners

The ASIAN Geographic's Images of Asia (IOA) 2020 photography competition, exhibits the work of photographers from all across Asia. We have received stunning photos...
Women dressed in traditional Vietnamese costume

The History of a Language

Today marks the 75th year that President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence at the Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, officially declaring...
A woman working in a paddy field, in Shan State, Myanmar

Fading into Oblivion

Text by Rajeswari Vikirama and Rachel Kwek Language experts say half of the world’s nearly 7,000 languages are expected to be extinct by the end...

Editorial Error in AG 141 Issue 2/2020 (The Wood Edition)

Asian Geographic magazine apologises for the error in AG 141 Issue 2/2020 (The Wood Edition) on the description of the individual found on the...
India Independence Day Kite

The Symbol of Freedom

August 15 marks a significant day for India. Celebrating its 74th anniversary of independence from the British colonial rule, the day serves as a...

Charcoal: A Healing Wonder from the Ashes

Article extracted from Asian Geographic Issue 02/2020 (141) The story of charcoal cannot be nailed down to any civilisation, continent or century. A myriad...

Banking’s Beginnings

Article extracted from Asian Geographic Issue 02/2020 (141) With its first appearance as far back as 2000 BC in ancient Mesopotamia, banking has come...

Are You a Wood Baby? – The Making of the Wood Person

Article extracted from Asian Geographic Issue 02/2020 (141) Text: Shreya Acharya When it comes to personality types, the archetypal wood baby is “the pioneer” –...