Rodrigo Duterte, ASEAN, Laos

The Casual Beginnings of ASEAN

Regional alliances are often brought about by the need to address strife. While ASEAN is no different, the evolution of the organization couldn't be further from tense boardrooms and dry meeting halls


In many developing countries, children grow up in potentially life-threatening environmental conditions – in squalor, surrounded by rampant pollution such as trash, toxic water and polluted air. These pictures – from “Happyland” in Manila, where families salvage waste for a living – present a clear picture of the health hazards posed by these conditions.

3 ways a picture goes a long way on your Asian travels

For both photographers and travellers, this printer is a handy new friend... because no one in Asia can resist the charm of a little photo

Extradition Bill Shelved in HK But Protests Still Expected on Sunday

In a press conference held at 3pm on June 15, 2019, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has announced that she has decided to...

Multi-stakeholder support for a circular economy

●  Global Initiatives, UN Environment Programme, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and World Wide Fund for Nature welcome delegates to the 8th Responsible...

Democracy: States of Transition

Democracy is a label applied quite liberally by states, but it’s worth noting that while several countries proclaim themselves as democratic, this is not...

Will VPNs Vanish From China?

China is clamping down on national internet censorship by hunting down distributors of work-arounds. Just how far will the ruling party go to maintain its iron-fisted grip?

Coronavirus Continues Killing Innocents

2020 began with a shocking start for everyone as the infectious CoronaVirus swallowed China and the rest of the word. Originally stemming from animal markets in Wuhan (China), the virus is said to have mutated and was passed onto humans from the animals. The virus has crossed Chinese borders and is now spreading to several other regions. Global death tolls have reached 132, and the number of total confirmed infections has risen to 6,000.