Investigations Underway for Taiwan’s Worst Rail Accident in 27 Years

18 were killed and at least 187 were injured when all eight carriages of a Puyuma Express bound for Taitung derailed at 4.50pm Taiwan...

One Million Hong Kongers Protest in Streets Against Extradition Bill

A controversial extradition bill enabling China to extradite fugitives from Hong Kong prompted more than one million Hong Kongers to take to the streets...
Processed food

Lost in the Process

The food we eat is increasingly processed. What does this mean for our health?

Civilisations for Sale

Not many people in the Middle East have the freedom to enjoy art and marvel at their cultural history. This fear has been cultivated by certain doctrines which state that the admiration of artistic work is heretical. There is a link in some Middle Eastern cultures between statues and the worship of idols; the appreciation of statues is therefore often construed as blasphemous in some religious sects. The rampant looting of centuries-old artefacts and the ongoing destruction of thousands of years of antiquities have brought about a sense of deep loss and bewilderment for many people, in the Middle East, and abroad.


China is increasingly becoming one of the world's biggest economic players, and in order for the country to sustain its rapid development well into the 21st century, it has set its eyes on making bigger and better connections to the rest of the world. To do this, China's President Xi Jinping in 2015 announced the implementation of the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative

What’s Going On With North Korea’s Nuclear Programme

North Korea’s growing missile prowess and nuclear capability are starting to pose a serious threat not just to the South, but most of the world

More Protests Causes HK Government HQ to Close

Clad all in black, close to a thousand protesters, including prominent democracy activist Joshua Wong, gathered at the Hong Kong Central Government Offices in...
All in! Festival, Singapore Book Council, Young Authors, Young Writer, Writer Festival

All In! Young Writers Festival 2018

800 Young Writers Groomed at All In! Festival 2018