The First Giant Panda Cub Born In Singapore Celebrates His First Birthday!

Text and images by the Mandai Wildlife Group Le Le, the first Giant Panda cub to be born in Singapore, has just turned one (on...

Zoroastrianism: A Persian Religion

Text by Khushi Makasare One of the world's oldest religions, Zoroastrianism might slowly be fading into obscurity. The Dadar Parsi Colony in Mumbai, India is home...

Coronavirus Continues Killing Innocents

2020 began with a shocking start for everyone as the infectious CoronaVirus swallowed China and the rest of the word. Originally stemming from animal markets in Wuhan (China), the virus is said to have mutated and was passed onto humans from the animals. The virus has crossed Chinese borders and is now spreading to several other regions. Global death tolls have reached 132, and the number of total confirmed infections has risen to 6,000. 

5 things you must know to kick off World Ozone Day this year

Today is World Ozone Day! In 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer,...

The Water Babies

Bruce Lee famously said, “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you...
Outstanding Brand of Asia Feature - How Tiger Balm Sprint Into The Hearts of Modern Consumers

Outstanding Brand of Asia Feature – How Tiger Balm Sprints Into The Hearts of...

One of Asia's outstanding brands featured in the new Asian Geographic collector's edition No. 138 Issue 5/2019, is the Tiger Balm, a brand of over...

US$ 106M Singapore-based Fund Launched to Protect Asia’s Oceans from Plastic

World’s first investment fund dedicated to preventing ocean plastic  Biggest capital investment towards Asia’s ocean plastic crisis  First investments targeted in Asia by...

Island of Tongues

Researchers say one-fifth of the world’s languages – including numerous Asian dialects – developed from the lingua franca of Taiwanese aborigines. Few will associate primarily...